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Our Apps

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Fresh by la salade Appro

Fresh by la salade

Fresh by la sald Appro applicatin mobile
Appro A-note


Appro A-note iphone application

A-note will help you to manage your ideas or your organization in different ways. From your shopping list to the creation of your new project ...

Personalize your mainboard with colors and move your ideas as you want! 

Find it! Fun and addictive ios game

Find it! - A brain challenge

Find it! Fun and addictive ios game
Find-it! is an addictive and challenging game where you have to find the different letter. 
But the time is limited..
Appro : Maison Smeets App

Maison Smeets

Maison Smeets App
Made for a Belgian independent office, this app will help you to know what is the price of the inventory of your property and more! You can directly request an appointment or get advice for example.

Up and down - Dodge it!

Up and down is a new addictive game where you have to dodge everything crossing the screen.
Trex Appro iOs app


Do you need more experience to find your first job? Find people like you and work together to get more experience. 

Trolls & Légendes

roundedicon copie.png
Proud to help the Belgian Trolls & Légendes festival to grow up with this mobile application.

© 2018 by Appro

Appro, Find it!, A-note, Maison Smeets, IOS applications, IOS developer
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